Asian Massage by Happy Feet Susan Zhou Andersen, L.M.T. Advanced Asian Massage Therapy In Traverse City (231) 360-4626
Asian Massage by Happy Feet Susan Zhou Andersen, L.M.T. Advanced Asian Massage TherapyIn Traverse City(231) 360-4626

Happy Feet Body Massage by Susan Andersen, LMT

Specializing in Traditional Chinese Massage, I am open by appointment 7 days a week to best serve you.

Sunday    12:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Monday      9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Tuesday     9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Weds.        9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Thurs.         9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Friday         9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Saturday     9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Our Most Requested Services

60 Minute Traditional Chinese Massage - $65

90 Minute Traditional Chinese Massage - $95


Please see our menu for a complete listing of available services.


I am both state licensed and nationally certified. My massage is my own special blend of Chinese Tui Na, Zhi Ha, Thai, Japanese Shiatsu, and Swedish deep tissue massage. As such, my style is very unique and like no other. It is customized to your particular health need and clients typically experience renewed strength, vigor, and pain relief after only one treatment.  As I am the only therapist in my practice, I will be happy to make back to back appointments for couples who would both like to experience this wonderful treatment.  


Please call or text Susan at 231-360-4626 to schedule an appointment today! Same day appointments available. 


My location is at 620 Second Street, Traverse City.


Advanced Chinese Traditional Massage by Susan Zhou Andersen

Thank you for visiting my website. With the opening of my Traverse City office in 2007, I was the first to introduce the healing benefits of  Traditional Chinese Massage to the area. With my advanced training and application of these principles, I have helped thousands of clients find pain relief that they never before thought possible. When your body is in balance and energy levels are in sync with one another, your body will do much better with correcting and preventing future health issues from arising. Many of my clients are physicians, nurses, chiropractors, and physical therapists who seek this treatment for their own personal health and wellness. I thank them for their personal business and for the many referrals they have also sent my way. It is great testimony to the treatments that I offer.  


Traditional Chinese Massage and acupressure are therapies that most people in China have used since 1700 BC to balance and maintain their health. It is proven to provide pain relief, improve blood flow, boost immunity, prevent degenerative disease, and hasten recovery from injury. Although it has some similarities to Swedish massage, Traditional Chinese Massage is considered a more therapeutic massage experience than a traditional relaxation massage. My massage focuses on channels or energy points that will effectively transport and guide blood and energy throughout the body. It has the advantage of pinpointing specific problem areas especially chronic pain and joint issues and bring them relief. Compression along energy channels within the body will allow your energy flow to bring you calm and balance. I have advanced training and experience in these techniques and have created a hybrid mix of Tui Na, Zhi Ya, Swedish, Japanese Shiatsu, and Thai massage. My treatment is unique and not offered elsewhere.  Whether your focus is on preventative care, relief from acute pain, or just seeking a relaxation massage, I am here for you and am committed to your care.  Please let me use my expertise to soothe your aches and pains, while bringing you renewed health and energy. 


I invite you to browse my website to discover the full range of services I offer and the many benefits that you will receive from being one of my treasured clients. I look forward to getting to know you personally. 


I am happy to help clarify any questions you have about your therapy even before your first visit. You can find useful information about our studio and how our therapies work here.

Experience the Ancient Art of Traditional Asian Massage

Advanced Chinese Medical Massage & Acupressure for Pain Relief and Treatment of These Conditions:

  • Neck/Shoulder, Back & Body Pain
  • Sciatica & Lower Back
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Sprained Ankle
  • Numb Fingers
  • Increase Circulation
  • Restore Body Energy 
  • Non-invasive (no needles like with acupuncture)
  • 100% Safe and Effective
  • Pain Relief Treatment is Our Specialty





Focuses on specific pain, muscular and nervous system issues such as acute or chronic pain, numbness, tingling, burning, muscle tightness, tension and spasms. Focuses on specific areas such as neck, shoulder, arms, back, lower back, knees, hips, arms, and hands. The aim of this massage is to also achieve balance to protect the person against different types of infection and maintain the optimum function of all organs. 


-90 Minute Treatment Massage   $ 95

-60 Minute Treatment Massage   $ 65

-30 Minute Treatment Massage   $ 40



Relaxing, soothing and gentle. Ideal for people with stress, exhaustion, or who simply want some relaxation. 


-90 Minute Relaxation Massage   $95

-60 Minute Relaxation Massage   $65


In both Pain Relief and Relaxation Massage treatments, we can include hot stone or Chinese gua sha treatments at no extra charge if necessary or requested. 



The entire human body is represented on the feet. Each organ and every muscle and nerve pathway can be affected and improved by treating the pressure points on the human foot. Dramatic health changes can take place. 


Traditional Chinese Foot Massage with herbal foot soak. An excellent value and introduction to Chinese Foot Massage.


-40 Minute Treatment   $ 50



Including sprains, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, and other related problems.


-60 Minute Treatment    $ 65



Take Charge of Your Health

Whether you'd like to focus on preventative care, pain relief, or are seeking improved energy and balance. l'll be happy to help you meet your health goals. Call me today!

- Susan Andersen 231-360-4626


Happy Feet Body        Massage

620 Second Street

Traverse City, MI 49684


Considering Therapy?

Call to discuss your options:

 231 360-4626



Happy Feet Body Massage 


Sun 12:30 PM - 8:30PM

Mon  9:30 AM - 8:30PM

Tues 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Wed 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Thur 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM Fri    9:30 AM - 8:30 PM

Sat   9:30 AM - 8:30 PM


Same Day Appointments Available



Offering Asian Massage and Swedish Massage in Traverse City 


Call any time to schedule an immediate appointment.


We offer specialized treatment of sports injuries, chronic pain syndrome, back pain, muscle and tendon tears. 

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